Even when you can’t find them in Ubuntu Software Manager
Every once in a while, you’ll find you’ve got an application installed on your Ubuntu system that you can’t find in the Ubuntu Software Manager.
sudo apt-get remove <package name> will often work, but sometimes, the package name isn’t what you expected (Dropbox, or nautilus-dropbox, I’m looking at you.)
You can use dpkg to find out what the packages are named, couple that with grep, and you can often find the offending software:
dpkg --list | grep "package name*"
Source: https://vitux.com/how-to-uninstall-programs-from-your-ubuntu-system/
*Generally the package names are going to be lower case, so even if you know the name with capitalization, (“K4DirStat”, I’m looking at you) it was actually all lower case.
Other package installers
I know I’ve run across applications that were installed via a different method than “apt-get”. I can’t remember which ones those were (think it was tying to remove an outdated version of Inkscape). Here’s a link I found how to uninstall Snap, Flatpak, and Synaptic. I’ll keep this for the next time I run into an application removal problem: https://ubunlog.com/en/desinstalar-aplicaciones-ubuntu-diferentes-metodos/
Next time came sooner than expected:
snap list | grep handbrake
sudo snap remove handbrake-jz