Trump’s letter to Pelosi

This is an excerpt from an amazingly clear and articulate letter that Trump wrote to Pelosi. Unfortunately, thanks to the media’s anti-American bias, most Americans won’t ever be presented with such a clear explanation of the facts. I write to express my strongest and most powerful protest against the partisan impeachment crusade being pursued by … Read more

Forget Impeachment

Congress should quit wasting time with the impeachment efforts, and do something useful, like pass a law that every public restroom door that swings in should be equipped with a Toepener.

The Darkness

Day: Taco Bell dropped 9 menu items. Which doesn’t even make sense. It’s not like they’re not going to have most of those ingredients in every restaurant anyway. Welcome to the Darkness. Say goodbye to: Cool Ranch Doritos Locos Tacos Fiery Doritos Locos Tacos Chips and Salsa Double Tostada Power Menu Burrito Beefy Mini … Read more

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